Generating Clients from TikTok


We continue our interview series with successful attorney-marketers where we uncover
what's working, what's not, and how you can get on a similar path to growth.
Andrea Sager first began landing clients for her small-business oriented practice through Facebook Groups, and then Instagram.  
She now connects with, educates, and lands new prospects using TikTok, where she has 67,000 followers. 

In this session, Andrea will explain:
  • ​How BigLaw’s prohibition against using social media stifled her progress
  • ​How failing to educate her prospects initially blocked her success
  • ​Lawyers’ foolish belief that sharing DIY details will hurt them
  • ​How her friend with a geographically-limited injury practice is doing as well on TikTok as Andrea, who has a national practice
  • ​The type of videos working for Andrea on TikTok
  • ​Her best-performing lead magnets, and how she pre-tests them at no charge
  • ​Why she does not advertise her signature offering, but does advertise other offers
  • ​Why she invests in ads but not boosting, and how she targets those ads
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Host: Kara Prior, President of James Publishing

Kara Prior is president of James Publishing and co-founder of James’ Marketing Amplifier software program.  

She spends most of her time talking to attorneys about how to improve their marketing results.

Kara has a vast marketing and writing background, working for several newspapers and managing Entrepreneur magazine's 100,000-member social network before joining James Publishing seven years ago. 

Kara is co-author of two books: The Most Effective Law Firm Marketing Agencies, and How Small Law Firms Can Obtain More Referrals. She is the mother of two young boys, and was captain of her Division 1 college swim team.

Guest: Andrea Sager

Andrea Sager connects attorneys to small business clients through The Legalpreneur. 

 She first began landing clients for her small-business oriented practice through Facebook Groups, and then Instagram. 

 Her current marketing focus is using TikTok to find and educate new prospects, where she currently has 67,000 followers.

Andrea also hosts the weekly Legalpreneur Podcast, where she explains the legal necessities for small business owners.